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To stimulate innovation vitality, foster an atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, and identify and discover high-quality projects, as well as attract and select outstanding talents, the CAST Alliances for Aero-Engine Industry and Academy, the Virtual Teaching and Research Office for the Education of Aircraft Power Engineering of the Ministry of Education, the Virtual Teaching and Research Office for the Education of Aircraft Engine Principles of the Ministry of Education, the Western China Center for Transformation of Advanced Technological Achievements, the Sichuan Association for Science and Technology, and the Chengdu Association for Science and Technology jointly initiated the "Aviation Engine Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition." The following matters are now notified:



To cultivate talents, promote education, gather talents, promote integration, and empower through competitions. It aims to effectively stimulate the vitality of innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity of the young, and explore and cultivate outstanding young talents in the field of aviation engines, provide a platform for technical incubation and achievement transformation for excellent projects, and contribute to building a highland of technological innovation in the field of aviation engines.