会议信息 Conference Information

            由中国科协航空发动机产学联合体、中国空天动力联合会等单位联合主办,国内数十家空天动力领域优势企事业单位和高校共同承办的“第八届中国空天动力联合大会”定于 2024年7月25-28日在四川省成都市举办。

    From July 25-28, 2024, the 8th China Joint Conference of Aerospace Propulsion  is scheduled to be held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, with the support of the China Association for Science and Technology, co-sponsored by The CAST Alliances for Aero-Engine Industry and Academy and China Joint Conference of Aerospace Propulsion, and co-organized by dozens of advantageous enterprises, institutions and colleges in the field of aerospace engine.

           本届大会主题为“科技创新赋能空天动力新质生产力发展”,旨在促进空天动力领域科技界与产业界跨界交流,聚合空天动力全产业链优势资源,搭建产学研对接交流平台,促进空天动力产业高质量融合发展。大会包括第八届空天动力联合会议(第二届航空发动机技术发展高层论坛暨航天三网 44 届技术交流会)( 1 个主论坛和 23 个分论坛)、首届空天动力女科学家论坛、首届空天动力青年科技论坛等,将邀请 300 余位国内空天动力领域权威院士专家,共享研究成果、共议创新未来。大会期间,还将同步发布“2024 空天动力科技成都共识,举办第八届空天推进技术展会、第三届空天动力供需对接大会,举行空天动力大赛颁奖仪式等活动。欢迎国内空天动力领域各有关单位及专家学者积极参会、参展交流。

    The theme of the conference is “Science and Technology Innovation Enabling the Development of New Quality Productivity of Aero-Engine”, aiming to promote cross-border exchanges between science and technology and industry in the field of aerospace propulsion, gather advantageous resources of the whole industry chain of aerospace propulsion, set up a platform for exchanges between production, academics and researchers, and promote the high-quality integration and development of the aerospace propulsion industry. The conference includes the 8th Joint Conference of Aerospace Propulsion (the 2nd High-level Forum on the Development of Aerospace Propulsion Technology and The 44th Aerospace Propulsion Technology Information Society(APTIS) Technical Conference) (1 main forum and 23 sub-forums), the 1st Women Scientists on Aerospace Propulsion Forum, the 1st Youth Science and Technology on Aerospace Propulsion Forum. More than 300 authoritative academicians and experts in the field of aerospace propulsion will be invited to share research results and discuss the future of innovation. During the conference, the 2024 Chengdu Consensus on Aerospace Propulsion Technology will be released. The 8th Space Propulsion Technology Exhibition and the 3rd Aerospace Propulsion Supply-Demand Matchmaking Conference will be held, as well as the awarding ceremony of the Aerospace Propulsion Competition. We welcome all relevant institutions, experts and scholars in the field of domestic aerospace propulsion to actively participate in the conference, exhibition and communication.

    • 参展报名截止Deadline for Exhibition


    • 注册缴费截止时间Deadline for payment


    • 报告递交截止Deadline for Report


    • 会议时间Conference


    往届回顾 Previous Review

    简要日程安排 Brief Scheduling

    第一天 Day 1(07.25)


    Sign-in and Registration for the conference


    The 8th Space Propulsion Technology Exhibition

    第二天 Day 2 (07.26)


    Opening ceremony


    Main forum of the 8th Joint Conference of Aerospace Propulsion


    The 8th Space Propulsion Technology Exhibition

    第三天 Day 3 (07.27)


    Sub-forums of the 8th Joint Conference of Aerospace Propulsion


    The 8th Space Propulsion Technology Exhibition


    The 3rd Aerospace Propulsion Supply-Demand Matchmaking Conference

    第四天 Day 4 (07.28)


    Free exchange& Departure

    联系我们 Contact Us


    空天动力联合会议:曹老师  18980966134 

    Joint Conference of Aerospace Propulsion: Ms Cao 18980966134 

    空天推进技术展会:任老师 15041982756

    Space Propulsion Technology Exhibition:Ms Ren, 15041982756

    航空发动机大赛:刘老师 18829559013

    Aeroengine Competition: Mr Liu, 18829559013

    供需对接大会:王老师 13661320715

    Supply-Demand Matchmaking Conference: Mr Wang, 13661320715